
The Brief

PPBot serves as a guide, providing visitors with relevant information about the exhibits on display. It can also answer questions and interact with guests in a friendly and engaging manner, creating a memorable experience for all who attend.

Our Approach

Our PPBot is designed to provide visitors with a wealth of relevant information about the exhibits on display. Whether it’s a historical artifact, a piece of art, or a scientific discovery, the PPBot can draw upon its vast knowledge base to provide visitors with interesting and insightful information about each exhibit.

PPBot can also answer questions from visitors. Whether they have a specific question about an exhibit or they simply want to know more about a particular topic, the PPBot can provide accurate and helpful answers in a friendly and engaging manner.

By interacting with guests in this way, PPBot helps to create a memorable experience for all who attend the exhibition. Visitors will leave feeling more informed about the exhibits they saw and with a greater appreciation for the subject matter on display.

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